The Club League table is compiled from competitors' best 6 scores in classic colour-coded events organised by WIM and its neighbouring clubs. The minimum range of courses required is Brown, Blue, Green, Light Green, Orange and Yellow.
Qualifying events are
(a) SWOA League events.
Other regional events organised by WIM, WSX and SARUM.
SOC, QO, DEVON, BOK, NWO and BADO regional events within approx 50km of Dorset.
National events in this area may be included providing the courses can be fairly equated to standard colour-coded courses.
Local events, Night events, Urban events, Sprint events, Score events and Chasing Start events are not included.
Scores are based on courses, not age classes. Points scored are the course winner’s time divided by the competitor’s time multiplied by 100. The winner’s time is the time taken by the first competitor running the correct colour or running up.
The colours laid down by British Orienteering for long distance courses are the basis for calculation. Colours are derived from Appendix B, Section 8.6 of the BO Rules of Orienteering.

Where a colour is not offered, a competitor may run the next colour down without penalty. For example, a W50 finding no Short Blue can run Green for full points.
At larger events offering a full range of courses including Short Brown and Short Blue, senior competitors may run down one or two colours for a reduced points score. No score is given for running down three or more colours.
At smaller events offering a traditional range of Brown, Blue and Green, competitors may run down one colour for a reduced score. No score is given for running down two or more colours except that Green competitors may run down on either Short Green or Light Green.
The reductions for competitors choosing to run down are given in the table below. The maximum a competitor running down can score is the relevant multiplier x 100.
For example, a Blue competitor opting for Green could score a maximum of 0.70 x 100 = 70 points.
There is no reduction where a shorter course is specified by the organisers. For example, if M70 were assigned Short Green.
80 points is awarded to winners of courses with fewer than 5 age-qualified runners. Points scored are the winner’s time divided by the competitor’s time multiplied by 80. 80 points is also awarded to WIM Planners, Organisers and Controllers.
M/W 10/12/14 Juniors who successfully complete a course are awarded a minimum 50 points.